We have information on the Dividend history of Aviyan Laghubitta (AVYAN). It is a microfinance company in Nepal.
Aviyan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd (AVYAN) is a microfinance company that was incorporated on 24th Chaitra 2075. The corporate office of the company is located at Panauti Municipality ward-4,kavre, Nepal. It is helping the lower-income people of rural areas by providing financial services.
Particulars | Information |
Name | Aviyan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd |
Symbol | AVYAN |
Sector Microfinance | Microfinance |
Share register | |
Address | Panauti Municipality ward-4, kavre, Nepal |
Dividend history of Aviyan Laghubitta (AVYAN)
Following are the bonus shares and cash dividends of Aviyan Laghubitta.
S.N | Fiscal year | Cash Dividend | Bonus Share | Total Dividend |
1 | 2080/81 | |||
2 | 2079/80 | No Dividend | No Dividend | No Dividend |
The company has not distributed any dividends so far. Aviyan Laghubitt issued iPo to the general public in FY 2079/80.
Hence, these are the Dividend history of Aviyan Laghubitta.
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Frequently Asked Questions
a. Bonus share of Aviyan Laghubitta (AVIYAN)?
= The company has not distributed bonus shares to its shareholders.
c. Symbol of Aviyan Laghubitta?
= The symbol of Aviyan Laghubitta is AVYAN.
Corporate Office:
Address: Panauti Municipality ward-4, kavre, Nepal
Phone Number: 01-1441027
Email: aviyanlaghu@gmail.com
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