We have information on the Dividend History of CYC Nepal Laghubitta (CYCL). It is a leading microfinance company in Nepal.
CYC Nepal Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd (CYCL) is a Microfinance company that was established on 11 February 2019. The corporate office of the company is located at Sabhagriha Chowk, Pokhara. The company is working in 77 districts with 131 branches for providing financial services to the local people.
CYC Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd recently got merged with Adhikhola Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha in a swap ratio of 1:0.70.
Similarly, RBB Merchant Banking Limited is the share register of the company.
Particulars | Information |
Name | CYC Nepal Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd |
Symbol | CYCL |
Sector | Microfinance |
Share Register | RBB Merchant Banking Ltd |
Address | Sabhagriha Chowk, Pokhara, Kaski. |
Dividend History of CYC Nepal Laghubitta (CYCL)
Following are the bonus shares and cash dividends of CYC Nepal Laghubitta.
Fiscal Year | Cash Dividend | Bonus Share | Total Dividend |
2080/81 | |||
2079/80 | No dividend | No Dividend | No Dividend |
2078/79 | 1.58% | 30.00% | 31.58% |
The company has distributed dividends only once in its lifetime. Last year company did not distribute any dividend to its shareholders. In FY 2078/79, the Laghubitta distributed 31.58% dividend of which 30% is bonus share and 1.58% cash dividend for capital gain tax.
Hence, these are the Dividend History of CYC Nepal Laghubitta (CYCL).
Other Important Links
Top 10 Highest dividend paying Microfinance in Nepal. |
a. Bonus share of CYC Nepal Laghubitta (CYCL)?
= The Bonus hare of CYC Nepal Laghubitta (CYCL) is 30% in FY 2078/79.
b. Full form of CYCL?
= The full form of CYCL is CYC Nepal Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.
c. Share Register of CYC Nepal Laghubitta (CYCL)?
The Share Register of CYC Nepal Laghubitta (CYCL) is RBB Merchant Banking Ltd.
Contact Information
Address: Sabhagriha Chowk, Pokhara, Kaski.
Email: +(977) 061-590894, 590895
Phone Number: info@cycnlbsl.org.np.
Other Important Links