We have information on the Dividend History of Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta (JBLB). It is a leading microfinance company in Nepal.
Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd (JBLB) is a “D” class national bank and financial institution in Nepal. Microfinance was established on February 28, 2019, and serving its customers since its inception. It is providing financial and non-financial services to 289K families through 136 branches to uplift the living standards. The company is located in Morang, Nepal.
Dividend History of Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta (JBLB)
Following is the information on the Dividend History of Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta.
S.N | Fiscal Year | Cash Dividend | Bonus Share | Total Dividend |
1 | 2079/80 | 0.73% | 14.00% | 14.73% |
2 | 2078/79 | 0.7142% | 14.285% | 14.9992% |
3 | 2077/78 | 3.68% | 70.00% | 73.68% |
The company does not have a long dividend history but has already made its shareholders happy. In FY 2077/78, the company distributed 73.68%. In which 70% is a bonus share and 3.68% cash dividend for tax purposes.
Hence, this is the information on the Dividend History of Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
a. Bonus share of Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta (JBLB)?
= As per the FY 2079/80, the bonus share of Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta is 14.00%.
Contact Information
Address: Koteswor, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Email: ktm@jeevanbikas.org.np.
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