We have information on the Dividend History of Mahila Laghubitta (MLBSL). It is one of the leading microfinance companies in Nepal.
Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (MLBSL) is “D” class bank and financial institutions in Nepal. It is a public limited company that received an operating license from Nepal Rastra Bank on 2075/06/22. The central office of the company is located at Sanga-13, Kavre, and serves the people throughout the country. Similarly, microfinance provides micro-financial services to the low-income & underprivileged people.
Dividend History of Mahila Laghubitta (MLBSL)
Following is the information on the Dividend History of Mahila Laghubitta.
S.N | Fiscal Year | Cash Dividend | Bonus Share | Total Dividend |
1 | 2080/81 | No Dividend | No Dividend | No Dividend |
2 | 2079/80 | No Dividend | No Dividend | No Dividend |
3 | 2078/79 | 2.50% | 47.50% | 50.00% |
4 | 2077/78 | 2.50% | 47.50% | 50.00% |
As per the information from the table, the company has just distributed dividends 2 times only but within 3 years of distributing dividends. The company has already distributed a 100% dividend to its shareholders. In the Fiscal Year (FY), the company started a dividend distribution of 50% dividend. In which, 47.5% is a bonus share and the remaining 2.50% is a cash dividend for tax purposes.
Other Important Links
EPS of Microfinance Companies in Nepal. | Top 10 Best Microfinance Companies in Nepal. |
NPL of Microfinance Companies in Nepal. | Dividend Capacity of Microfinance Companies in Nepal. |
Frequently Asked Questions
a. Bonus share of Mahila Laghubitta?
= As per the FY 2078/79, the bonus share of Mahila Laghubitta is 47.50%
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