We have information on the EPS of Upakar Laghubitta (ULBSL).
Upakar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (ULBSL) is a ”D” class microfinance company in Nepal. The company was established on 17th Magh 2075 and started its operation on 1st Chaitra 2075. It has 32 branches in 10 districts in Lumbini province.
The corporate office of the company is located at Kohalpur, Banke. Similarly, the company has 156 staff to provide banking services to the general public.
As per the second quarter report of FY 2079/80, the EPS of the company is Rs. – 49.07.
EPS of Upakar Laghubitta (ULBSL)
Following are the earnings per share of Upakar Laghubitta.
Unaudited EPS
Following is detailed information on the EPS of the company.
Fiscal Year | 1st Quarter | 2nd Quarter | 3rd Quarter | 4th Quarter |
2079/80 | 6.55 | -49.07 | ||
2078/79 | 39.38 | 89.72 | 94.66 | 68.09 |
2077/78 | 215.97 | 187.19 | 160.16 | 146.01 |
2076/77 | 43.45 | 51.50 | -43.18 | 11.40 |
Note: All the data are taken from the official websites of the company. Similarly, the company issued an IPO to the general public in FY 2078/79.
Audited EPS
Following is the EPS of the company.
Fiscal Year | Audited EPS |
2078/79 | |
2077/78 | 140 |
2076/77 | 5.91 |
2075/76 | 34.04 |
Note: All the data are taken from the audited financial statement
Hence, these are the EPS of Upakar Laghubitta (ULBSL).
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Frequently Asked Questions
a. EPS of Upakar Laghubitta?
= As per the second quarter report of FY 2079/80, the EPS of the ULBSL is Rs. – 49.07.
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