We have information on the List of Broker Offices in Dharan. There are only two Broker Offices in Dharan. they are helping the general investor to buy and sell the share of their interest. There are 77 broker offices in Nepal. Among them, two broker offices have opened branches in Dharan.
List of Broker Offices in Dharan.
Following is the broker’s office in Dharan.
Broker No | Name of the Broker Office | Contact Number | Address |
17_RTS | ABC Securities Pvt. Ltd. | Prithvi Marg, Dharan | 025-524083, 025-532783 |
49_RWS | Online Securities Ltd. | College Road, Dharan | 025-530683 |
These are the broker offices in Dharan. There are 2 broker offices in Dharan. They are providing brokerage Services to the general public of Dharan.
Broker Offices in Other Cities
Frequently Asked Questions:
a. How many brokers are there in Dharan?
= There are two broker offices inDharann. They are:
- ABC Securities Pvt. Ltd.
- Online Securities Ltd.
b. Which broker office is best in Dharan?
= There is no factor to determine the best broker office. Their job is to help the investor in trading the stock. There are only two broker offices. so the following is the best broker office in Dharan.
- ABC Securities Pvt. Ltd.
- Online Securities Ltd.
c. Why broker Office is necessary?
= The broker’s office is necessary to buy and sell the stock.
d. Contact number of broker in Dharan?
= Following are the contact numbers of the broker in Dharan:
- ABC Securities Pvt. Ltd = 025-524083, 025-532783.
- Online Securities Ltd = 025-530683.
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