We have data on the List of Mutual Funds in Nepal and their maturity date.
Mutual funds are the business firm that collects money from a large number of people who are willing to invest and utilize that money in stocks, bonds, and other assets. In Mutual funds, investors can small amount of money or can invest regularly.
There are two types of Mutal funds: They are:
- Open Ended Mutual Funds.
- Closed Ended Mutual Funds.
Open Ended Mutual Funds
Open-ended mutual funds are those mutual funds that do not have fixed capital and mutuality date. Investors cannot trade it freely unlike other stocks.
One buy or sell it on the basis of NAV (Net Asset Value).
Close-ended Mutual Funds
Close-ended Mutual funds are those mutual funds that have fixed capital and maturity periods. It is traded in NEPSE like other equity.
Buying and selling on done on the basis of market Value. They have 7-10 years of maturity duration.
List of Mutual Funds in Nepal
Following are the List of Mutual Funds in Nepal.
Open Ended Mutual Funds in Nepal.
Following are the open-ended mutual funds in Nepal.
- NIBL Sahabhagita Fund (NIBLSF).
- NIC Asia Dynamic Debt Fund. (NADDF)
- Siddhartha Systematic Investment Scheme. (SSIS)
- NMB Saral Bachat Fund – E (NMBSBF).
- Shubha Laxmi Kosh (SLK).
- Nabil Flexi Cap Fund (NFCF).
- Kumari Sunaulo Lagani Yojana (KSLY).
Close-Ended Mutal Funds in Nepal.
Following are the close-ended mutual funds in Nepal.
7 Years Maturity Periods
S.N | Name of the Mutual Funds | Symbol | Fund Size | Maturity Date |
1 | Laxmi Equity Fund | LEMF | 1,250,000,000 | 2024-06-12 |
2 | NMB Hybrid Fund L- 1 | NMBHF1 | 1,000,000,000 | 2023-10-26 |
3 | Nabil Equity Fund | NEF | 1,250,000,000 | 2023-11-06 |
4 | NIBL Pragati Fund | NIBLPF | 750,000,000 | 2024-01-11 |
5 | Citizens Mutual Fund-1 | CMF1 | 820,000,000 | 2025-03-03 |
6 | Sanima Equity Fund | SAEF | 1,300,000,000 | 2024-12-26 |
7 | NIC Asia Growth Fund | NICGF | 835,200,000 | 2025-03-12 |
8 | Citizens Mutual Fund – 2 | CMF2 | 560,000,000 | 2026-07-08 |
9 | NMB 50 | NMB50 | 1,250,000,000 | 2026-09-01 |
10 | Laxmi Unnati Kosh | LUK | 652,623,600 | 2027-10-01 |
11 | Sanima Large Cap Fund | SLCF | 1,200,000,000 | 2028-02-23 |
12 | Prabhu Select Fund | PSF | 1,250,000,000 | 2028-06-21 |
13 | NIC Asia Select-30 | NICSF | 1,250,000,000 | 2028-07-05 |
14 | RBB Mutual Fund 1 | RMF1 | 1,250,000,000 | 2028-07-23 |
15 | NIC Asia Flexi Cap Fund | NICFC | 1,020,000,000 | 2029-06-15 |
10 Years Maturity Periods
S.N | Name of the Mutual Funds | Symbol | Fund Size | Maturity Date |
1 | Siddhartha Equity Fund | SEF | 1,500,000,000 | 2027-11-08 |
2 | Nabil Balanced Fund – 2 | NBF2 | 1,120,000,000 | 2029-05-31 |
3 | Siddhartha Investment Growth Scheme-2 | SIGS2 | 1,200,000,000 | 2029-08-26 |
4 | NIC ASIA Balanced Fund | NICBF | 755,000,000 | 2029-08-27 |
5 | Sunrise First Mutual Fund | SFMF | 860,000,000 | 2029-11-04 |
6 | Kumari Equity Fund | KEF | 1,000,000,000 | 2031-03-18 |
7 | Sunrise Bluechip Fund | SBCF | 1,250,000,000 | 2031-03-26 |
8 | NIBL Samriddhi Fund – 2 | NIBSF2 | 1,500,000,000 | 2031-05-29 |
9 | Mega Mutual Fund – 1 | MMF1 | 1,250,000,000 | 2031-09-08 |
10 | Nabil Balanced Fund III | NBF3 | 1,250,000,000 | 2031-09-23 |
11 | Sunrise Focused Equity Fund | SFEF | 1,000,000,000 | 2032-02-12 |
12 | Prabhu Smart Fund | PRSF | 1,000,000,000 | 2032-03-14 |
13 | Kumari Dhanabriddhi Yojana | KDBY | 1,225,072,590 | 2032-07-25 |
14 | Global IME Balance Fund-I | GIBF1 | 1,025,763,600 | 2032-07-28 |
15 | NMB Sulav Investment Fund – II | NSIF2 | 1,200,000,000 | 2032-09-01 |
16 | NIBL Growth Fund | NIBLGF | 1,320,000,000 | 2033-01-17 |
17 | Siddhartha Investment Growth Scheme 3 | SIGS3 | 805,800,000 | 2033-04-30 |
18 | Citizens Super 30 Mutual Fund | C30MF | 750,723,900 | 2033-05-14 |
19 | RBB Mutual Fund 2 | RMF2 | 846,119,290 | 2033-05-21 |
20 | Laxmi Value Fund-II | LVF2 | 2033-09-03 | |
21 | Sanima Growth Fund | SAGF | 672,532,600 | 2033-11-27 |
Already Matured Mutual Funds
Following are the close-ended already mature mutual funds in Nepal.
- Siddhartha Investment Growth Scheme-1 (SIGS1)
- NMB Sulav Investment Fund-1 (NMBSF1)
- Nabil Balanced Fund-1 (NBF1)
- Laxmi Value Fund-1 (LVF1)
- Siddhartha Equity Oriented Scheme (SEOS)
Hence, these are the List of Mutual Funds in Nepal.
Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds in Nepal
Following are the Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds in Nepal.
- Mutual Funds Give a Better Return.
- Easy Process and Anyone Can Invest.
- Safer Options.
- Accelerates Economic Development of a Country.
How to Invest in Mutual Funds in Nepal
Following are the methods to invest in mutual Funds.
- Through IPO (Initial Public Offering).
- Through NEPSE (Secondary Market).
- By Purchasing Open-ended Schemes Directly From the Mutual Fund Manager.
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Frequently Asked Questions:
a. Which mutual fund is best in Nepal?
= Following are the best mutual funds in Nepal on the basis of dividend history:
- Sunrise First Mutual Fund.
- NMB 50.
- Nabil Equity Fund.
- NIBL Pragati Fund.
- Nabil Balanced Fund – 2
b. Can I invest Rs. 1000 in a mutual fund?
= Yes, anyone can invest Rs. 1000 in mutual funds. You can buy around 10 units from the secondary market (NEPSE). Or you can invest Rs. 1000 per month in open-ended mutual funds.
c. How to buy mutual funds in Nepal?
= If you want to buy an open-ended mutual fund then you can contact the respective capital. But you can buy closed-ended mutual funds from the Secondary market during trading hours.
d. Can I withdraw mutual funds anytime?
= In a closed-ended mutual fund you can withdraw at any time but in open ended mutual fund the criteria are different. In open ended mutual fund, you have to go through a different process which is lengthy as compared to close-ended mutual funds.
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