Dividend history of Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited (MBL)

Dividend history of Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited (MBL)

Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited (MBL) is a one of the leading commercial banks of Nepal. Dividend history of Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited (MBL).

 The bank started its banking service from 1998 A.D. The corporate office of the bank is in MBL tower lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal.

FY 2079/80

  • Cash Dividend: 0.70%
  • Bonus Share: 13.30%
  • Total Dividend: 14.00%

FY 2077/78

  • Cash Dividend: 0.70%
  • Bonus Share: 13.30%
  • Total Dividend: 14.00%

Last year company distributed good dividend to its shareholder. Bank’s dividend was 14% in which 13.30% was bonus share and 0.70% was cash dividend.

Dividend history of Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited (MBL)

Following are last 8 years dividend history of bank. Bank has distributed good sum of dividend its shareholder and its growing smoothly. 

Dividend history of Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited (MBL)

In fiscal Year 2072-73, Bank has distributed 21.84% dividend where 20.75% were bonus share with 1.09% cash for tax purpose.

 In the FY 2072-73 company issued 12% right share for its shareholder. After that company has not issued right share, they have only distributed bonus share and cash dividend.

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