Job vacancy in Jyoti Bikash Bank

Job Vacancy in Jyoti Bikas Bank

We have detail information of Job vacancy in Jyoti Bikash Bank.

Jyoti Bikas Bank ltd is a value-based organization driven by citizen centered long term purpose, vision and mission bank. The corporate office of the company is located at kamalpokharai, Kathmandu, Nepal.

The Company is seeking for applications from qualified and energetic Nepalese citizens who are committed and motivated toward the overall vision, mission, and core value of the bank and are creative, innovative, and competent with a strong desire to excel in banking. 

There are four job vacancy in the bank. If you are eligible than you can apply for it.

Job vacancy in Jyoti Bikash Bank

Following are the detail information of Job Vacancy.

How to Apply?

Please send your application with the updated result by CLICKING HERE.

Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the further selection process. Bank reserve the right to reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.

Application Deadlines: 8th June, 2023.

At least having two years of experience will give more priority for all the position.

Other Important Links:

a. Job Vacancy in Citizen Bank: CLICK HERE

All the information of job is given in official website of the company. You can extract the information from the website of the company and make your decision about applying or not in vacant position.