Dividend History of Civil Bank Ltd (CBL)

Dividend History of Civil Bank Ltd (CBL)

Civil Bank Ltd (CBL) is an “A” class commercial bank of Nepal. Dividend History of Civil Bank Ltd (CBL).

Bank is open by renowned personnel and institutions. The corporate office of the bank is located in Civil Trade center, Sundhara, Kathmandu, Nepal.

FY 2077/78

Cash Dividend: 0.26%

Bonus Share: 5.00%

Total Dividend: 5.26%

Dividend History of Civil Bank Ltd (CBL)

 Following are the data of banks last 9 years dividend history. The bank is growing and expanding all over Nepal. 

Dividend History of Civil Bank Ltd (CBL)

In fiscal year 2073-74, bank  had distributed 10.79% dividend to its shareholder where 10.25% was bonus share and 0.54% was cash for tax purpose. 

In last 8 years, company has issued right share once. That was in FY 2072/73 of 40% right Share.


  1. This information is for the education purpose only. You can use it for decision making as well.
  2. For now, the company is in merger process with Himalayan Bank Ltd.

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