Opening Range of Himalayan Reinsurance Limited

Opening Range of Himalayan Reinsurance Limited

The article is about the Opening Range of Himalayan Reinsurance Limited for trading in NEPSE. It is a resonance company for life insurance and non-life insurance company in Nepal and overseas.

Opening Range of Himalayan Reinsurance Limited

About Company

Himalayan Reinsurance Ltd is a first private sector reinsurance company in Nepal. The company is the second reinsurance company in Nepal. Similarly, the company was granted its operational license in 2021.

The company will issue 30,000,000-unit shares for general public. It is for individual investors, Nepalese living in foreign land, mutual funds, and employees of the company.

Opening Range

The opening range of the company depends on the audited book Value of the company. As per the FY 2078/79, the book Value of the company is 103.07. So, the opening range of the company is Rs. 103.07 to Rs. 309.21.

NMB Capital is the issue manager for the IPO to the General people. The shares will be issued for Rs. 206 per share (Rs 100 face value + Rs 106 premium price) to the general public.

The ICRA Nepal has given A- rating for issuing IPO to the general people.

Hence, these are the information of opening range.

Other Important Links:

a. EPS of Commercial banks: CLICK HERE

b. EPS of Microfinance Company: CLICK HERE