Opening Range of Chirkhwa Hydropower Ltd

Opening Range of Chirkhwa Hydropower Ltd

We have data of Opening Range of Chirkhwa Hydropower Ltd. It is a Hydropower company.

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Opening Range of Chirkhwa Hydropower Ltd

Following are the information of opening range.

About Company

Chirkhwa Hydropower Ltd is a public ltd hydropower company. It is incorporated in January 2009. They are developing a 4.7 MW Upper Chirkhwa Khola HPP in Bhojpur district, Province-1 of Nepal. The project has achieved ~90-95% progress till mid-Jan 2023.

RBB Merchant Banking has been appointed as the issue manager.

Opening Range of Chirkhwa Hydropower

The opening Range of the company depends upon the book value of the company. As per the FY 2078/79, the audited book value of the company is Rs. 100.01. So, the opening range of the company is Rs. 100.01 to Rs. 300.03.

The company has got BB- rating from ICRA Nepal for issuing the IPO to the general public.

The issued capital of the company is Rs. 40 Crores of which 10% i.e., 400,000-unit shares for employee of the company. Similarly, 20% of the company that is 800,000 units is for General public.

Other important Links

a. EPS of Microfinance Company: CLICK HERE

b. EPS of Commercial bank: CLICK HERE

c. Top 10 commercial Banks: CLICK HERE