Opening Range of Super Madi Hydropower

Opening Range of Super Madi Hydropower

We will look after the Opening Range of Super Madi Hydropower.

About Company:

Super Madi Hydropower is a public limited which is located at Kaski District. It has 44 MW capacity of generating electricity. The project lies in 23KM from the Pokhara. Headquarter of the company is located at Kathmandu, Bagmati. Similarly, it has 51 to 200 employees.

Opening Range of Super Madi Hydropower

The book value of the company depends upon the book value of audited financial statement. As per the FY 2077/78, book value of the company is Rs. 99.80. So, the opening range of the company will be Rs. 99.80 to Rs. 299.4.

About IPO.

The company is issuing share to general people, local people and foreign Nepalese workers. 3,15,000 units for local people of kaski district, 7,35,000 for other VDS, and 2,10,000 for foreign Nepalese workers.

Other Important Links:

EPS of Commercial Banks: CLICK HERE

EPS of Microfinance Company: CLICK HERE

Top 10 Commercial Banks: CLICK HERE

EPS of Hydropower Company: CLICK HERE

Top 10 Microfinance Company: CLICK HERE