Earnings Per Share (EPS) of the Development banks

Earnings Per Share (EPS) of the Development banks

We have collected data from 16 development banks. Earnings per share (EPS) are taken from the first quarter report of 2079/80. We have analyzed the Earnings Per Share (EPS) of the Development banks.

Read more: EPS of the Micro-finance: Click Here

These development banks have done impressive business in FY 2079/80. Except few, maximum has shown positive growth and earned good profit.

Earnings Per Share (EPS) of the Development banks

FY 2079/80

Fourth Quarter

Name of the companySymbolEPS
Garima Bikas Bank LtdGBBL23.47
Muktinath Bikas Bank LtdMNBBL21.24
Shine Resunga Development Bank Ltd.SHINE18.37
Lumbini Bikas Bank Ltd.LBBL18.11
Miteri Development Bank Ltd.MDB15.79
Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank LtdKSBBL13.14
Jyoti Bikas Bank LtdJBBL12.58
Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank ltdMLBL11.29
Shagrila Developemnt Bank Ltd.SADBL10.52
Karnali Development Bank LtdKRBL8.81
Green Development Bank Ltd.GRDBL3.56
Corporate Devlopment Bank LtdCORBL3.53
Sindhu Bikas Bank LtdSINDU-2.40
Narayani Development Bank Ltd.NABBC-11.02

Third Quarter

Lumbini Bikas Bank LtdLBBL18.45
Shine Resunga Development Bank LtdSHINE17.26
Muktinath Bikas Bank LtdMNBBL16.74
Miteri Development Bank LtsMDB12.88
Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank LtdKSBBL12.97
Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank LtdMLBL12.11
Shangri-la Development BankSADBL10.04
Jyoti Bikas Bank LtdJBBL6.12
Excel Development Bank LtdEDBL4.80
Corporate Development Bank LtdCORBL3.37
Green Development Bank LtdGDBL2.67
Corporate Development BankCORBL2.61
Sindhu Bikas Bank LtdSINDU-5.34
Narayani Development Bank LtdNABBC-13.41
Saptakoshi Development Bank LtdSAPDBL-43.94

Second Quarter

Following is the development banks with their EPS

Shine Resunga Development Bank LtdSHINE20.06
Muktinath Bikas Bank LtdMNBBL19.51
Garima Bikas Bank LtdGBBL19.36
Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank ltdMBBL15.76
Lumbini Bikas Bank LtdLBBL15.43
Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank LtdKSBBL12.47
Miteri Development Bank LtdMDB11.64
Shangri-la Development Bank LtdSADBL11.06
Sindu Bikas Bank LtdSINDU6.71
Karnali Development Bank LtdKRBL6.52
Excel Development Bank Ltd EDBL3.72
Corporate Development Bank LtdCORBL2.35
Jyoti Bikas Bank LtdJBBL1.63
Green Development Bank LtdGRDBL1.09
Narayani Development Bank LtdNABBC– 12.67
Saptabikas Development Bank Ltd SAPDBL-60.53

First Quarter

Following is the development with their EPS:

Shine Resunga Development Bank Limited (SHINE): Rs.  22.12

Muktinath Bikas Bank Limited (MNBBL): Rs. 21.74

Garima Bikas Bank Limited (GBBL): Rs. 16.84

Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank Limited (MLBL): Rs. 11.90

Miteri Development Bank Limited (MDB): Rs. 11.35

Jyoti Bikash Bank Limited (JBBL): Rs. 9.38

Lumbini Bikas Bank Limited (LBBL): Rs. 8.65

Shangrila Development Bank Limited (SADBL): Rs. 7.35

Excel Development Bank Limited (EDBL): Rs. 7.01

Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited (KSBBL): Rs. 5.29

Karnali Development Bank Limited (KRBL): Rs. 3.27

Corporate Development Bank Limited (CORBL): Rs. 1.71

Sindhu Bikas Bank Limited (SINDU): Rs. 0.39

Green Development Bank Limited (GRDBL): Rs. 0.12

Narayani Development Bank Limited (NABBC): Rs. – 7.18

Saptakoshi Development Bank Limited (SAPDBL): Rs. -15.68

Hence, these are the Earnings Per Share (EPS) of the Development banks.

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