Opening Range of Atmanirbhar Laghubitta

Opening Range of Atmanirbhar Laghubitta

We will update the Opening Range of Atmanirbhar Laghubitta. They are issuing IPO for Nepalese people working in abroad and general people of Nepal.

About Company

Atmanirbhar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited is a “D” class Microfinance company established in February 12, 2018.

The company is diluting 32.625% of the total paid up capital of the company. 10% is allocated for people employed in foreign land. 0.5% and 5% is set aside for employees and mutual funds. Similarly, remaining 17.125% that is 1,69,755 units will be distributing among general people.

Opening Range of Atmanirbhar Laghubitta

The opening range of the company depends upon the book value of the company. It must be from the audited financial statement. So, the book value of the company is Rs. 371.82. Hence, the opening range is Rs. 371.82 to Rs. 1,115.46.

Sunrise Capital Ltd is the Issue Manager for IPO. Th company has got B+ rating from Nepal Care Rating.

Note: These data are collected for the educational purpose only.

Other Important Links:

1. Company analysis of Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta: CLICK HERE

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