Opening Range of Kalinchowk Darshan Limited

Opening Range of Kalinchowk Darshan Limited

We know the Opening Range of Kalinchowk Darshan Limited.

About Company:

Kalinchowk Darshan Limited is public limited company which operates Cable car projects in Kalinchowk. The company was incorporated on 20th January 2015. It has a capacity to transport 192 passenger per hours. The distance between two destination is 1 km.

The paid-up capital of the company will be 60.00 crore

Opening Range of Kalinchowk Darshan Limited

The opening range of the company depend upon the book value of the latest audited financial statement. So, as per the audited financial statement of FY 2077/78, book value is Rs. 78.15. Hence, the opening range of the company is Rs. 78.15 to Rs. 234.45.

About IPO

Till date, the company has paid up capital of Rs. 48.00 crore. Similarly, the company is issuing 20% of the total paid up capital which is 12.00 crore. After IPO, the paid-up capital will be 60.00 crore.

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